Pero de Magalhães. Historia da
Prouincia de Santa Cruz, a que Vulgarmente
Chamamos de Brasil. Lisboa: Tipografia da
Academia Real das Sciencias, 1858.
Published by the Royal Academy of Science in 1858, this
copy of the História da Província de Santa Cruz, a que vulgarmente chamamos
Brasil corresponds to the original edition published in Lisbon in 1576.
The fate of the História contrasts
vividly with that of the two Tratados da Terra do Brasil also written by Pero de
Magalhães Gandavo a short time before. The História was to be one
of the few texts printed in the 16th century on the Portuguese colony in America,
whereas the Tratados would remain in manuscript form. As stated so aptly by
Portuguese historian Luís Filipe Barreto, "its style and humanistic historiographical
content may be seen as praise and even an invitation to mass colonisation of Brazil without
offering sufficient and sure information about the economic structure. But the two earlier
Tratados do Brasil, authentic enquiries into the economic geography of
Brazilian colonisation, remain manuscripts for reasons that certainly involve the strategic
need on the part of the colonial-political interests of the State not to overly disclose the
real situation in terms of production, demography, trade and so on."