Fernão Lopes de. Historia do
Descobrimento e Conquista da India
Portugueses. Lisboa: Na Typographia Rollandiana,
The História do
Descobrimento e Conquista da Índia pelos Portugueses by Fernão
Lopes de Castanheda ( ? – 1559) is considered by many authors as the most
complete account of the Portuguese expansion in the Orient, albeit wanting
in literary quality.
In his prologue, Castanheda
reveals what inspired his project in the lines: realizing what an enormous
loss it would be not to register the remarkable feats of the Portuguese,
and for the other reasons I have given, I set myself this task, which was
greatly aided by my gong to India.
Having gone to the Orient
with his father around 1528 and stayed there for about ten years, Castanheda
himself knew many of the places and protagonists of the events he relates,
just as he was able to add numerous testimonies to the reading and consultation
of material written for the many volumes that make up his work.
Published in 1551, the first
book or volume of the História had to be redone for
the second edition, which came out in 1554. The information contained therein
aroused the animosity of influential families and official scribes such
as João de Barros, although it had contributed to publicising the
work abroad. On the occasion of the publication of book VIII in 1561, Queen
Catarina prohibited the printing of the remaining volumes, which nevertheless
did not prevent the translation of the book into French, Spanish, Italian
and English. Of the non-published portion of the work, thirty-one chapters
of book IX were saved.
In 1833, the Tipografia Rolandiana
in Lisbon produced a complete edition of the História
which, together with the work of João de Barros, constitutes one
of the main sources of Luís de Camões' narrations of the
Portuguese exploits in the Indies. |